

An easy-to-use, evidence based QI questionnaire

Succeed is an easy-to-use tool designed to help HIV prevention projects assess their objectives and analyse their ability to meet them with sound, high quality activities.

It allows project personnel and, if required, representatives from the target group and other important stakeholders to jointly review the work and improve it during project implementation. Although relatively simple, Succeed is based on scientific research about success factors in the field of health promotion. It has been specifically adapted for use in HIV prevention. It can be used to review existing interventions or to review a plan for a new one.

Download the Succeed tool (.pdf) (interactive pdf); the interactive tool is a PDF that you fill in with your information. Please download the tool before opening it and entering any information. To fully access the document’s interactive features you need to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader.

The Succeed tool is also available in the following languages (.pdf): DEGRITHRLTSK

Download the Succeed factsheet EN SKLT

Further information about the EU Health Programme from DG SANCO can be found here.
A database of all funded projects can be found on the website of the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)

This website is part of the Joint Action on Improving Quality in HIV Prevention (Quality Action), which has received funding from the European Union within the framework of the Health Programme.

For further information about Quality Action, please contact Caren Wiegand or Matthias Wentzlaff-Eggebert

For comments or questions about this website, please contact Yoline Kuipers or Cristina Chiotan